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Student Training Program on AIML at IIIT Hyderabad – May 2024

This 6-month student-training cum research internship program in artificial intelligence/machine learning is designed for final year undergraduate students (graduating in 2025) enrolled in 4-year B Tech programs accredited by AICTE, at technical institutions in and around Hyderabad.

The aim of this course is to instill in students an aptitude to undertake, analyse problems on their own and formulate solutions with a research orientation.

Admission would be restricted to student-toppers of institution, recommended by HoD/Head of Institution. Students, who are within commuting distance from IIIT Hyderabad.

The course comprises of a fine mix of theory sessions with accompanying practical tutorial sessions on topics related to AI/ML.

Classes would be conducted during weekends – on all Sundays, from 08:30 am to 11:30 am – covering theory sessions as well as tutorials.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?
Yes, a certificate of competency with grades would be awarded upon successful completion of the course.

Who will be teaching the course?
The course would be provided by the IIIT-H faculty with considerable AI/ML expertise.

What is the expected time commitment?
For maximum program benefits, participants are required to dedicate three hours every weekend.

How will I be evaluated during the course?
A holistic approach would be followed where participants would be evaluated continuously. Attendance is one of the important factor that would be used for evaluation of performance.

When will the classes be conducted?
The sessions would be conducted on every weekends (Sundays).

What if I miss a class?
It is advisable not to miss the sessions with the faculty.

What is the language of instruction for these courses? Are they available in other regional languages?
All our program courses are taught in English. Hence, a minimum proficiency in English language is essential.

Are there any communication groups on WhatsApp, Telegram etc for the offline program on Modern Machine Learning?
Yes, Discord will serve as the platform for communication and collaboration among participants.

What should be done if there is an error with registration?
Please send us your registered email-id, application number and a screenshot of the error/issue with relevant description to

Is there an attendance policy for this program?
Yes. Participants are expected to have minimum 80% attendance.

Who will be issuing the certificate ?
iHub-Data, IIIT Hyderabad will be issuing the certificate of competency after completion of the course.

Are there any projects to work after the course ?
Those who complete the course with a good rating might be considered for: (a) summer internships (with stipend) (b) admission for MS program or, (c) working on research projects at IIIT Hyderabad.

Any internship/placement support ?
Participants who perform reasonably well would be extended opportunity to participate in long-term internship programs (with/without stipend) organised at IIIT Hyderabad.

☛ I am a working-professional. Can I join this course ?
This course is exclusively meant for undergraduate engineering students. For working professionals, the appropriate course is

I am a teacher in a technical institute. Can I join this course ?
This course is exclusively meant for undergraduate engineering students. For members of faculty, the appropriate course is There could also be similarly named courses at Coursera or SWAYAM/NPTEL offered in fully online mode.

Announcement in Press:

Process Steps for Joining Weekend Training Program:

  • Heads of institutes will register with their credentials through direct contact with Ms. Fathimath Rifna, designated coordinator, at
  • iHub-Data will verify and seek details of student toppers from heads of institutes.
  • Only two toppers from regular students, with an expected graduation year of 2025 are eligible. Admission would be restricted to two students per institution, recommended by HoD/Head of Institution. Institutions are expected to maintain gender equity while suggesting nominations.
  • Coordinator from iHub-Data will reach out to students with payment information. Students, who are within commuting distance from IIIT Hyderabad would only be considered to undergo the program.
  • Once selection is confirmed, names of students will appear below.
  • Students attempting to join this program by any other means would be disqualified. Reaching out to any official at IIIT or iHub-Data would also lead to automatic disqualification.
  • Admission will be limited to first 100 nominations for this program.
  • Selection of final list of students is at the sole discretion of Course Instructor.
  • Last date for receiving registrations from institutes is 16th May 2024.

Kind Attention:

Warning: The admission to internship-linked training program is over. The final list is published. No more matters on admission will be entertained. However, for those who are unable to secure admission, please consider joining our online program “Foundations of Modern Machine Learning – 2024” which can be accessed through the following link: (Click here)

Regular Sessions starts from : 19 May 2024

Venue : D – 101, IIIT Hyderabad

Curriculum Outline

  • Introduction to ML
  • Machine Learning Components: Data, Model, Evaluation
  • Revisiting Nearest Neighbor Classification
  • Retrieval, Performance Evaluation and Metrics
  • Linear Classifier
  • Representing Textual Data
  • Perceptrons and gradient descent
  • Loss functions and gradient descent
  • Regression
  • Clustering
  • Feature selection and PCA
  • Multi Layer Perceptron
  • Probabilistic ML models
  • Deep Learning Architectures

Participants List:

AIML IDName of the StudentInstitute NameAssessment 1 – Score/50Assessment 2 – Score/50Assessment 3 – Score/50First Quarter Assessment – Score/50Assessment 4 – Score/50Assessment 5 – Score/50
AIML20240201A. AlekhyaG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science404345464547
AIML20240202A.KarthikJNTUH UCESTH424630464745
AIML20240203Afreen SultanaDeccan college of Engineering and technology, Darussalam, Hyderabad444645454746
AIML20240204Aksa SiddiquiLords Institute of Engineering and Technology38AAAA41
AIML20240205Ashish ThatikondaInstitute of Aeronautical Engineering404644474746
AIML20240206Asma KhanamLords Institute of Engineering and Technology234242A43A
AIML20240207B Nithya VaishnaviSri Indu College of Engineering and Technology323844464944
AIML20240208B.SusmithaG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science424442433938
AIML20240209Balina Sri VaishnaviGokaraju Lailavathi Women’s Engineering College454546474647
AIML20240210Burle Sai Venkat VardhanChaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT)454744454746
AIML20240212Chinthala LalithaTKR College of Engineering & Technology434641454746
AIML20240213Durgam AdithiNeil Gogte Institute of Technology353939434747
AIML20240214E. Pavan KumarSphoorty Engineering College3044AA4647
AIML20240215G NeeharikaJNTUH college of engineering Manthani424747464744
AIML20240216G. Sai Lohith ReddySphoorthy Engineering College243336413742
AIML20240220Guna Sai Smith DudduGuru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus464346444647
AIML20240222J.AkshithSri Indu College of Engineering and Technology30274340AA
AIML20240225K. Likhitha SreeMLR Institute of Technology464246444646
AIML20240226Kamalshetty TanushaSphoorthy Engineering College434644434626
AIML20240227Karishma UpadhyayVidhya Jyothi Institute of Technology (VJIT)364644444444
AIML20240228Kasula Ranga TanujTKR College of Engineering & Technology434547464648
AIML20240229Katari Easwari AvanthikaVardhaman College of Engineering444747464648
AIML20240230Katta VagdeviG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science404544474746
AIML20240233Kotollu EshaStanley College of engineering and technology for women40384445A43
AIML20240234Kypa AnanyaGokaraju Lailavathi Women’s Engineering College353439372745
AIML20240235L SakethJNTUH college of engineering Manthani354740474848
AIML20240236Lakshmi Priya YalamanchiliMLR Institute of Technology414447454844
AIML20240238M.Chethana ReddyG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science4146464748A
AIML20240239Mandala Surya TejaKLH Deemed to be University404644464546
AIML20240240Matli ShivacharaniVNRVJIET45A4245AA
AIML20240245Mohammed Faizan AhmedISL Engineering College4343A4645A
AIML20240246Mohd. Rafi Uddin SadeqISL Engineering College464248464644
AIML20240247N.Ruchika ReddyVidhya Jyothi Institute of Technology (VJIT)424642464846
AIML20240248N.V.DeepthiVardhaman College of Engineering424343444846
AIML20240249Namrata MokshagundamG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science423748444542
AIML20240250Nasira Banu S SG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science384440464546
AIML20240251Neeli ManishaBVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for women434644424846
AIML20240253P Venkata Harsha VardhanVardhaman College of Engineering424543424842
AIML20240254P.Shivani ReddyJNTUH UCESTH444447464747
AIML20240256Pasunuti LahariBVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for women454645474545
AIML20240259Pravallika KonkimallaG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and ScienceA4543A46A
AIML20240260Rangampet VilasiniMLR Institute of Technology344546464843
AIML20240261RishithaBVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for women444542454745
AIML20240262S.SrichetanG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science4239294243A
AIML20240263Samiya MahveenDeccan college of Engineering and technology, Darussalam, Hyderabad424645454846
AIML20240264Shaik AshrafullaVNRVJIET4247434747A
AIML20240265Soumya JajulaG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science444642AAA
AIML20240266Sri Jaitra Saketh GoparajuBITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus414545454846
AIML20240269T.V.L PrasannaG Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science46433639AA
AIML20240270Tejashree SrigiriInstitute of Aeronautical Engineering374843464345
AIML20240271Uddaraju MeghanaMLR Institute of Technology434847464745
AIML20240272V G V P MithramaChaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (CBIT)43A4543AA
AIML20240273V VarshithaBVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for women454543474646
AIML20240275Vallakatla ChaitanyaVardhaman College of Engineering454543454746

Certificate of Completion

Certificates were issued to participants of the Student Training Program on AIML:

Program Coordinator:


Faculty :

CK Raju PhD

Invited Lectures

☛  Topic : AIML in Speech Systems
Speaker : Dr Anil Kumar Vuppala
Date : 15/09/2024

Dr Anil Kumar Vuppala engaging the lecture session on “AIML in Speech Systems!”.

☛  Topic : Use of AI/ML systems for Biometric Applications
Speaker : Prof Anoop M. Namboodiri
Date : 22/09/2024

Prof Anoop M. Namboodiri engaging the lecture session on “Biometrics: Establishing your identity – An extreme classification problem!”.

For professionals seeking advanced courses, please refer: